Friday, June 25, 2010

Re-cap from 365 post

Yeah! I got my new card reader - that was fast, huh? So, here's a recap of this week. We had AWESOME storms this week - another trip to the basement bathroom - this time eating dinner by the toilet. Lovely.

See the wonderful power lines that are right beside our house? So pretty.
My fav. flower has started blooming in my garden.

After the storms, came a rainbow, but somehow, it came out darker than I thought. I really need to read the instruction manual on my camera and spend a few hours playing. Yeah, I have that kind of time.

And...last but not least, I actually got down to biz and got some craft on. Can you guess what I'm going to do with this old, ugly basket that I scored for a BUCK at a garage sale?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, that rainbow pic is just gorgeous!! (why haven't i been reading your blog in months?!)