Monday, March 23, 2009

I think the sickness is over.

And now the work begins! Before the "sickness", I had a cocktail party and presented some of my cards...well....out of that came some jobs. DUH! And then the house got sick.
Slowly, but surely, I've been working on the cards and jobs I had gotten almost a week ago.

Here. Lookie.

Can I just tell you how much I love embossing? The "surprise" is embossed in Chocolate Brown - my fav. color. You know, it's the "new" black...
Also, I had orders for Grad cards - they have been on here before...
I found this really cool website while I listened to my family hack their lungs out the last few days. Check it out:
All kinds of DIY stuff... Neat-ness and sometimes stuff where you ask "REALLY???" (like the UFO juicer...)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The house of sick.

Day 5.

Son? 103.9 temp.

Daughter? 102.1.

Prognosis? Doctor's appointment today.

Mother? Slowly losing brain cells.

Father? Went back to work.

Dog? Annoying everyone.

Weather? Highest temp since September 08.

House? Wrecked.

Laundry? Overflowing.

Mom's best friend? Clorox wipes and McManis Petite Sirah.

Missed days of school? 2, going on 3.

Jake trying to smile for the camera.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

They are all sick.

Icky Sick. Daughter has temp ranging from 104 to 101, Son has temp from 102-99, and Mr. I has no temp, but is ill.


No school tomorrow, I'm sure Mr. I will go to work (he won't stay home unless he's in the hospital), and I'll be stuck inside on a 65 degree day with sickies.

Today has been a movie day. Even the dog is wandering around lost and dazed.

On the upside, I had a fabo party last night and sold a few of my cards. Not many, but it was fun! I have a few orders for announcements and invitations, so that will keep me busy!

Till later, when I report that I too, am sick.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The re-do is FINALLY DONE!!!!

It only took me a week to re-paint a 5x5 bathroom. Pathetic. Many problems were had along the way..I won't bore you with them. Here is the final result.

The color looks really grey here, but it's more like a Khacki Green. When I came home from getting my hair done last night (Whew! Looks much better!), Mr. I had finished it. I added the towels, and Viola! DONE. FINALLY.
The thing I love most about it is that it is a "grown up" bathroom. Gone are the weird paintings, the frilly baskets of flowers on the wall, and the periwinkle color. It's Simple. And perfect for us.

Yeah ME!